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Submit Complaints

Any person may submit a complaint about a violation of the Smoke-Free Illinois Act by calling 866-973-4646 or online at

Information provided in a complaint will only be available to authorized enforcement agencies, as described in the Smoke-Free Illinois Act. Complaints alert local officials of where enforcement and follow-up efforts should be focused. Providing your name and/or phone number is not required to submit a complaint. If you voluntarily provide your name and contact information, the enforcement agency will be able to contact you with follow-up information. Your contact information will be kept confidential by authorized enforcement agencies. If you would prefer to speak with someone directly regarding a violation, you may contact your local health department. The Smoke-free Illinois Act provides that no individual may be discriminated against in any manner for exercising their rights under the law.

535 West Jefferson Street | Springfield, Illinois 62761 | Phone 217-782-4977 | Fax 217-557-3497 | TTY 800-547-0466